Instituto Mixto Universitario de Deporte y Salud

PTS -Parque Tecnológico de la Salud.
C/. Menéndez Pelayo 32,
18016 Granada. España


What do we do at PROFITH?

The PROFITH CTS-977 research group stands for PROmoting FITness and Health through physical activity. The group was born in 2013 with the purpose of becoming a national and international reference group in exercise and health. The group has grown rapidly and in just over 10 years after its creation, the group already has more than 60 people with a contractual relationship (43% women), including 12 people with stable contracts at the University (Full professors, Associate Professors, and 2 Ramón y Cajal contracts), 18 postdocs (4 Marie Curie), 35 doctoral students (13 FPU/FPI), and contracts charged to projects. It should also be noted that the personnel trained in the group have obtained Ramón y Cajal Contracts, the most prestigious at a national level, as well as Miguel Servet, Juan de la Cierva, Sara Borrell, Ramón Areces, Martín Escudero, or Margarita Salas contracts.



Vision: Through values such as scientific excellence, the group aims to become a world reference group, with the ultimate purpose of contributing to create a healthier society through exercise and lifestyle.



SCIENTIFIC ADVANCEMENT: The group’s mission is to advance scientific knowledge to understand the impact that exercise and lifestyle have on the prevention and treatment of chronic non-communicable diseases in the 21st century.

TRAINING: The group aims to increase the capacity to attract talent at a local, regional, national and international level and thus train young scientists with a high degree of commitment to science in the subjects that make up this group.

PUBLIC HEALTH PROBLEMS: The group will identify, evaluate and deal with public health problems related to the most prevalent chronic non-communicable diseases in the 21st century in order to offer scientific-based answers with exercise, nutrition and lifestyle as the central axis.


PROFITH also leads a group focused on physical exercise and obesity within the CIBEROBN (Center for Biomedical Research Network – Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition) of “Insituto Carlos III”. In addition, the group participates in the Exercise and Obesity working group of the Spanish Society for Obesity Studies (SEEDO) as well as in several national and international networks related to exercise and health (See section on Networks).


The group is committed to the TRANSFER of our research activity and to have an important impact on society. To this end, PROFITH has developed a number of RESOURCES, including questionnaires for evaluation of different construct, mobile apps, a free online platform that allows the interpretation of physical condition in an automated way and in multiple languages, development and training in accelerometry, preparation of the Physical Activity Recommendations of the WHO and the Ministry of Health in Spain, as well as participation in international guides on energy metabolism or the use of electrostimulation vests. In addition, in close collaboration with the Andalusian School of Public Health and together with other physical-sports and health educator professionals, we have contributed to the design and implementation of the Andalusian Plan for the Prescription of Physical Exercise. Through it, people will be facilitated access to sports services derived from health services through a planned, integrated and multidisciplinary system.