The Youth Activity Profile (YAP) is a questionnaire originally intended to subjectively assess physical activity and sedentary habits in children and adolescents.
This questionnaire represents an alternative to the objective measurement of physical activity and sedentary habits. Wearable technologies, such as accelerometers or pedometers, are designed to perform this objective measurement. However, they are not always feasible due to their high requirements of time, cost and technical expertise to process and analyze the information recorded.
Under these constraints, there is a lack of cost-effective and user-friendly tools to assess these behaviors, such as correctly validated questionnaires. The Youth Activity Profile (YAP) was developed to overcome this limitation, and its original version was found to be valid and reliable to assess physical activity and sedentary habits in children and adolescents (more information here:
PROFITH research group leaded the translation and cultural adaptation of YAP to Spanish society, developing the so-called Youth Activity Profile-Spain (YAP-S). Validation and reliability studies are being currently performed on the YAP-S by members of the PROFITH research group. These studies will be available in this webpage once they are finished.
Currently, Latin-Americans are also benefiting from the assessment of physical activity and sedentary habits provided by YAP. Researches from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso have coordinated the cultural adaptation of YAP-S to the Latin-American society (YAP-SL) and they are also studying validity and reliability of this version.
All versions of The Youth Activity Profile (YAP) consists of 4 general questions about the physical activity opportunities and enjoyment level of physical activity. Also, this questionnaire includes 15 specific questions oriented to know the physical activity and sedentary habits during the past week. These 15 questions can be subdivided in 3 groups: “Activity at school”, “Activity out-of-school” and “Sedentary habits”.
The use of YAP-S is free and the only requirement is to cite the original sources (this website and/or
Language | Children/Adolescents |
International Spanish | |
Latinoamerican Spanish |
Special acknowledgements to researchers involverd in the development of YAP.
Iowa University (Estados Unidos): Gregory Welk, Pedro Saint-Maurice. Universidad de Granada (España): Francisco B. Ortega, Palma Chillón, Emilio Villa-González, Jairo H. Migueles, Cristina Cadenas-Sanchez Fernando Estévez-López. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (Chile): Carlos Cristi Montero, Patricio Solís Urra. Universidad Andrés Bello (Chile): Juan Pablo Zavala Crichton. Universidad Fasta (Argentina): Alejandro Fabián de Brandi. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Perú):Giovanni Corvetto. Universidad de la República (Uruguay): Javier Brazo Sayavera. Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo (Ecuador): Bertha Susana Paz Viteri. Corporación Universitaria Autónoma del Cauca (Colombia): Nelson Hernando Puentes Rodríguez. Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas (México): Christopher González Sandoval. Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte (Cuba): Francisco Fidel Porto López. Universidad Andrés Bello (Venezuela): Lissé Chiquinquirá Angarita Dávila.