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ACTIBATE Activating brown adipose tissue through exercise in young adults: A Randomized controlled trial
Summary The energy expenditure capacity of brown adipose tissue (BAT) makes it an attractive target as a therapy against obesity and type 2 diabetes. BAT activators namely catecholamines, natriuretic peptides and certain myokines, are secreted in response to exercise. ACTIBATE […]

SPORTEUS Effect of a protein-enriched drink on muscle function recovery and markers of muscle damale after a single bout of exercise at high-intensity
Summary The quantity and quality of the diet plays a key role in sport perfomance. A single high intensity exercise bout with may induce muscle damage and may impair muscle function. Ingestion of protein-enriched drink may stimulate muscle protein sinthesis. […]

ActiveBrains Effects of an exercise-based randomized controlled trial on cognitive performance, brain structure and brain function in overweight preadolescent children.
Summary The new and recent advances in neuroelectric and neuroimaging technologies provide a new era for further exploring and understanding how brain and cognition function can be stimulated by environmental factors, such as exercise, and particularly to study whether physical […]

CoCa Comorbid Conditions of Attention deficit / hyperactive disorders
Summary Comorbid conditions worsen the outcome of Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorders (ADHD) and have huge personal and societal healthcare impact. Mechanisms underlying the development of comorbidity are unknown, hampering prevention and treatment. Thus, the aim of this project is to: 1) […]

SmarterMove Exercise in the prevention and treatment of obesity and insulin resistance: Smart analysis-smart interventions. SmarterMove
Summary Obesity and type 2 diabetes are major public health problems. Despite much has been advanced in the knowledge about these two pathologies, new approaches need to be identified and implemented to reach sufficient knowledge and strategies to successfully fight […]

MUBI MUévete BIén (Move Well), effects of an exercise program on movement biomechanics in children with overweight/obesity
Summary There is evidence indicating that the presence of overweight/obesity induces alterations in movement biomechanics, body posture and movement competence of children and adolescents, with severe health consequences for their musculoskeletal system. Physical exercise could be a promising treatment to […]

CiudaActiva Influence of the built-environment on physical activity behaviours of andalusian adolescents
Summary Currently, we face significant challenges at the population level due to the rising levels of physical inactivity and sedentary behavior among adolescents. In fact, most of them do not meet the daily physical activity recommendations. Among all the factors […]