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ENERGYCO Energy Expenditure of Active Commuting To School
Summary The main objective of the ENERGYCO study is to examine the effects of a school-based intervention program using cycling as a mode of transportation on basal metabolism and different physical and psychosocial health variables in adolescents from Andalusia. ENERGYCO, […]

DIVA Diurnal variation in the effect of exercise on metabolic health
Summary Abstract Background and aims: Mammalian cells possess molecular clocks which adequate functioning is decisive for metabolic health. Exercise is known to modulate these clocks, potentially having distinct effects on metabolism depending on the time of day. Specific aims of […]

AGUEDA Active Gains in brain using Exercise During Aging
Summary The primary aim of AGUEDA trial is to examine the effects of a 6-month resistance training program on cognitive function in cognitively normal older adults. The secondary aims are: (i) to examine the effects of exercise on central and […]

BATON Adaptations of human brown adipose tissue to overnutrition
Summary Brown adipose tissue (BAT), also referred to as brown fat, exhibits high thermogenic capacity, aiding mammals in maintaining body temperature. Preclinical investigations have highlighted BAT’s pivotal role in adapting to high-fat diets and excessive caloric intake, thus mitigating the […]

BRIDGE Building Resilient compulsory school trhough an IntegrateD and EmpowerinG approach to wEll-being
Summary Specifically, the project will aim to train teachers with new skills and knowledge for promoting well-being in the classroom and at the educational center. This will be achieved through an effective participation process involving co-design and implementation of interventions […]

Visiting Scholar Visiting Scholar programme: Cognición y desarrollo cerebral a nivel estructural y funcional: rol del ejercicio físico.
Summary The PROFITH research group leads the Visiting Scholar programme thanks to Dr. Francisco B. Ortega (PI and receiving group) and Dr. Charles Hillman (Northeastern University, Visiting Scholar) under the project “Cognition and structural and functional brain development: role of physical exercise”. The Visiting […]

STARS Sustainable Travel Accreditation and Recognition for School
Summary The STARS Project is an initiative with the aim to promote active commuting from home to school, both biking and walking, among young people in educational centers. In order to achieve this aim, it is intended to raise awareness […]

ALPHA Children ALPHA children and adolescents: Assessment of physical fitness in children and adolescents
Based on the currently available evidence, physical fitness assessment has become of interest not only from a sport performance point of view, but also and mainly from a clinical and public health point of view. In order to have a […]