PROFITH obtains 4 projects granted by the National funding agency summing 1 million euros
The PROFITH research group obtains a total of 4 funded projects from the National Funding Agency, 2023 call (resolved in 2024), which will be directed by the following researchers: Francisco B. Ortega (€368,750.00 + FPI predoctoral contract); Guillermo Sánchez Delgado (€262,500.00); Francisco José Amaro Gahete (€181,250.00); Esther Ubago Guisado and Luis Gracia Marco (co-directed project, €125,000.00).
The projects awarded add up to a total amount (including the predoctoral contract) of 1 million euros, which will allow research over the next few years in the following topics: 1) An accessible and scalable physical activity intervention to reduce systemic inflammation and improve heart and brain health in patients with heart failure; 2) Addressing the problem of weight regain after caloric restriction in people with obesity: new therapeutic approaches and potential mechanisms; 3) Multidisciplinary prehabilitation and rehabilitation based on lifestyle changes for improving surgical outcomes in patients with colon cancer: elucidating the underlying mechanisms; and 4) Virtual physical training and its impact on cortical and trabecular bone compartments in adult survivors of childhood cancer: a study using pQCT equipment.
More information about the projects granted to the University of Granada at: https://canal.ugr.es/noticia/la-ugr-alcanza-su-record-de-financiacion-en-el-plan-estatal-de-investigacion-cientifico-tecnica-con-un-importe-de-176-millones-de-euros-para-un-total-de-126-proyectos-de-id/