Instituto Mixto Universitario de Deporte y Salud

PTS -Parque Tecnológico de la Salud.
C/. Menéndez Pelayo 32,
18016 Granada. España



Home  /  Sin categoría   /  Palma Chillón Garzón meets in the Congress of Deputies
Palma Chillon Congreso de los Diputados Grupo PROFITH

Palma Chillón Garzón has visited the Congress of Deputies to include the childhood perspective in the new Law of Mobility that is being defined. More information:–8W6vCg0_AdX-w_cHUw&s=08

The researcher Palma Chillón Garzón belongs to the National Group “Mobility and childhood” which has represented attending a meeting with the deputy Alberto Ibáñez to propose changes in the Law of Mobility to explicitaly include the childhood. The independent mobility and the attention to school environments are priorities in the chiildhood developing.