Francisco B. Ortega, Award to the highest Social Impact of Research
Francisco B. Ortega (Fran), has received the Prize for the author from the University of Granada whose research activity has had the greatest social impact, according to the InfluScience ranking: https://ugr.influscience.eu/ranking-de-autores/
In addition to Fran (position 1), it is important to note that there are 4 other people from the PROFITH research group in the top-10 in this ranking of the University of Granada, specifically Jonatan Ruiz (position 2), Irene Esteban (position 7) and Francisco Amaro (position 9). The award has been granted by the Office of the Vice-Rector for Social Innovation, Employability and Entrepreneurship: https://medialab.ugr.es/noticias/resolucion-premios-influscience-ugr/