Instituto Mixto Universitario de Deporte y Salud

PTS -Parque Tecnológico de la Salud.
C/. Menéndez Pelayo 32,
18016 Granada. España



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PROFITH obtains 4 projects granted by the National funding agency summing 1 million euros

The PROFITH research group obtains a total of 4 funded projects from the National Funding Agency, 2023 call (resolved in 2024), which will be directed by the following researchers: Francisco B. Ortega (€368,750.00 + FPI predoctoral contract); Guillermo Sánchez Delgado (€262,500.00); Francisco José Amaro Gahete (€181,250.00); Esther Ubago Guisado and Luis Gracia Marco

Palma Chillon Congreso de los Diputados Grupo PROFITH

Palma Chillón Garzón meets in the Congress of Deputies

Palma Chillón Garzón has visited the Congress of Deputies to include the childhood perspective in the new Law of Mobility that is being defined. More information: The researcher Palma Chillón Garzón belongs to the National Group “Mobility and childhood” which has represented attending a meeting with the deputy Alberto Ibáñez

We developed a virtual reality software for improving the quality of life in stroke patients

The scientific team integrated by the University of Granada (PI: Francisco J. Amaro-Gahete), the University of Almeria, the San Cecilio Clinical University Hospital and the Torrecárdenas University Hospital hypothesize that the RESET VR software, in combination with the usual care, will reduce disability and improve the quality of life of

Marcos Olvera Rojas, COLEF Award 2023

Marcos Olvera Rojas (Marcos), has received the XIV Award for Best Innovative Professional Practice, in collaboration with Francisco B. Ortega, Jonatan Ruiz Ruiz and José Juan Gil Cosano:   This award has been granted for its "Development and implementation of the European platform FitBack for the improvement of the professional practice


Manuel Fernández-Escabias, María Herrada-Robles y Antonio Clavero-Jimeno, Award for the Recognition of the Talent of the University of Granada students for initiation to research

Manuel Fernández-Escabias, María Herrada-Robles and Antonio Clavero-Jimeno, predoctoral researchers of the PROFITH group, have received the Talent Recognition Award from students of the University of Granada for initiation to research.   The award has been granted by the Social Council of the University of Granada: