One in every 640 adults is currently a pediatric cancer survivor. Although the incidence of childhood cancer has increased by 13% in the last 40 years, the survival rate after 5 years has been established at 80%. However, the treatments applied to cure cancer have negative consequences on the body. Among the various conditions, we can highlight endocrine dysfunction, which leads to a significant decrease in bone mineral density. Recent scientific evidence suggests that physical activity interventions for improving bone mineral density will be carried out in the survival phase rather than in the treatment phase.
Randomized controlled trial of the influence of a home exercise program on bone parameters of pediatric cancer survivors (6-18 years). Additionally, the effect of the intervention on traditional and novel markers of bone remodeling will be evaluated in a subsample. The 9-month exercise program is composed of strength and jumping exercises accompanied by advice on calcium and vitamin D consumption. The control group will maintain routine physical activity levels and will also receive advice on calcium and vitamin D consumption. D. Once the intervention is completed, participants in the control group are offered the opportunity to perform the same exercise program at home.
This project will contribute to the study of the effectiveness of physical exercise on the health of pediatric cancer survivors. Ultimately, improving the quality of life and well-being of this population will have a great economic and social impact, since the annual productivity of a pediatric cancer survivor is lower than that of a healthy person
- Data collection completed.
- Current status: Some cross-sectional articles are already published. Currently, the main articles on the effects of the intervention are being written.
This Project received funding from la Caixa Foundation (LCF/BQ/PR19/11700007) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Ref: PID2020-117302RA-I00)
Selected Publications
Protocol paper of the study:
- Gil-Cosano JJ, Ubago-Guisado E, Sánchez MJ, Ortega-Acosta MJ, Mateos ME, Benito-Bernal AI, Llorente-Cantarero FJ, Ortega FB, Ruiz JR, Labayen I, Martinez-Vizcaino V, Vlachopoulos D, Arroyo-Morales M, Muñoz-Torres M, Pascual-Gázquez JF, Vicho-González MC, Gracia-Marco L. The effect of an online exercise programme on bone health in paediatric cancer survivors (iBoneFIT): study protocol of a multi-centre randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health. 2020 Oct 8;20(1):1520.
Cross-sectional papers of the study:
- Rodriguez-Solana A, Gracia-Marco L, Llorente-Cantarero FJ, Cadenas-Sanchez C, Marmol-Perez A, Gil-Cosano JJ, Moliner-Urdiales D, Ubago-Guisado E. Is higher physical fitness associated with better psychological health in young pediatric cancer survivors? A cross-sectional study from the iBoneFIT project. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2023 Jul;33(7):1157-1167.
- Marmol-Perez A, Ubago-Guisado E, Llorente-Cantarero FJ, Vlachopoulos D, Rodriguez-Solana A, Gil-Cosano JJ, Ruiz JR, Gracia-Marco L. Determinants of bone parameters in young paediatric cancer survivors: the iBoneFIT project. Pediatr Res. 2023 Oct;94(4):1538-1546.
- Marmol-Perez A, Gil-Cosano JJ, Ubago-Guisado E, Llorente-Cantarero FJ, Pascual-Gázquez JF, Ness KK, Martinez-Vizcaino V, Ruiz JR, Gracia-Marco L. Muscle strength deficits are associated with low bone mineral density in young pediatric cancer survivors: The iBoneFIT project. J Sport Health Sci. 2024 May;13(3):419-427.
- Marmol-Perez A, Migueles JH, Ubago-Guisado E, Gil-Cosano JJ, Rodriguez-Solana A, Redondo-Tébar A, Llorente-Cantarero FJ, Labayen I, Ortega FB, Ruiz JR, Gracia-Marco L. Every Move Counts to Improve Bone Health at Clinical Sites in Young Pediatric Cancer Survivors: The iBoneFIT Project. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2024 Jan 31.
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