Instituto Mixto Universitario de Deporte y Salud

PTS -Parque Tecnológico de la Salud.
C/. Menéndez Pelayo 32,
18016 Granada. España


Legal warning

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The University of Granada is an educational institution governed by public law for the provision of the public service of higher education, housing the city of Granada the headquarters of the university faculty, the rectorate, the management and the central services of the University.

The University of Granada with CIF: Q1818002F has its headquarters at Avda. del Hospicio, s/n C.P. 18071 Granada and is registered in the Registry of Universities, Centers and Degrees (RUCT), Universities Section, of the Ministry of Education, with code 08.

Access and use of this website and all those associated with the University of Granada corresponding to its Bodies, Services , Faculties, Schools, Departments and Institutes (hereinafter the Portal) attributes to the user the status of user and implies the acceptance of each and every one of the terms included in these General Conditions, without prejudice to the fact that access to any of the services or content that can be obtained through said pages may be subject to the acceptance of additional Specific Conditions.

The University of Granada may modify these conditions, which will be published, and the user must periodically access them. to be aware of the changes that have occurred.

The information contained in this Portal is intended to fulfill the function of citizen service and general information, and will not imply a regulatory interpretation, nor legal or economic consideration in the terms established by Royal Decree 208/1996, of 9 February, which regulates Administrative Information Services and Citizen Attention.

The information and contents of this Portal cannot be alleged in contradictory processes with the Public Administration, and the University is in no case responsible for the application or specific use that may be made of it, nor for any discrepancies that may exist between the documents. printed forms from the competent Administration and the electronic publication on these pages.

The University of Granada may freely modify or delete the information contained in the Portal or its design, presentation and configuration for the purpose. that it is permanently updated and free of errors.

Because the information is not updated immediately, we suggest that you always check the validity, timeliness and accuracy of the information and content collected on the Portal.

However, although the University of Granada has taken reasonable measures and makes every effort to ensure that the information contained in the Portal is correct, it does not guarantee that it is exact, complete, or updated, without prejudice to the information, services and transactions provided by the University through its electronic headquarters in accordance with the provisions of Law 11/2007, of June 22, electronic access of citizens to Public Services. The University of Granada publishes its official information only in its electronic headquarters, Official Bulletins and Notice Boards of the Centers and Central services.

The user undertakes to make good use of the contents of this Portal, which may never be used for activities that are illegal or harmful to the rights and freedoms of third parties, or that may be contrary to morality, good customs and order. public.

In any case, the use of the information provided through the Portal is the exclusive responsibility of the user, and may not have repercussions on the University of Granada  any consequence derived directly or indirectly from access to the Portal, particularly in relation to the adoption of decisions on the initiation, development or result of administrative procedures, which must be verified in the competent centers, organizations or agencies.

The University of Granada adopts the necessary security measures in the use of information technologies, however these are not infallible and the User must be aware of this.

For this reason, the University is not responsible for any damages, losses, anomalies, malfunctions or deterioration that may occur in users’ equipment or systems as a direct or indirect consequence of access.