Instituto Mixto Universitario de Deporte y Salud

PTS -Parque Tecnológico de la Salud.
C/. Menéndez Pelayo 32,
18016 Granada. España


WAPA Physical EXErcise on Women’s Affective and Physical HeAlth The Exer-WAPA Project

IP: Yaira Barranco-Ruiz


The main objective of the Exer-WAPA project is to examine the short- and medium-term effects of a supervised group exercise program on the affective health of middle-aged women with mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety/depression (psychological distress). Exer-WAPA is a randomized controlled trial (RCT) in which women aged 35 to 60 with mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety/depression will be randomly assigned to an exercise group or a waiting list control group.

The primary variable of the study is emotional well-being evaluated using PANAS (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule). Additionally, various variables will be evaluated, grouped into four dimensions:


1) Mental Health: Including Risk for mental health (GHQ-12), Psychiatric evaluation of anxiety (BAI) and depression (MADRS-S), Self-esteem (Rosenberg Scale), Cognitive state (Montreal Cognitive Assessment), and stress-related biomarkers (CRP and cortisol).

2) Physical Health: Including Physical condition, metabolic blood panel, blood pressure, and body composition.

3) Lifestyle:Including Habits related to physical activity, transportation, sedentary behavior, nutrition, and sleep.

4)Socioeconomic Impact: Including personal costs, work-related costs, and healthcare costs.


All variables will be evaluated before (T1) and after the exercise program (T2), and some selected variables will also be evaluated long-term after the intervention (T3).

It is believed that the exercise program of the Exer-WAPA project could reduce initial symptoms of anxiety/depression and improve physical health in middle-aged women with initial affective disorders compared to standard primary care treatment, potentially preventing the development of severe affective disorders in this population. The relationship between affective health in middle-aged women and the other evaluated dimensions will also be explored.



  • Ethics committee approval obtained.
  • The project is currently in the initial phase.


This R&D&I project (C-SEJ-304-UGR23) is co-financed by the Ministry of University, Research, and Innovation and by the European Union under the FEDER Andalusia 2021-2027 program.


Currently in preparation/review.