Instituto Mixto Universitario de Deporte y Salud

PTS -Parque Tecnológico de la Salud.
C/. Menéndez Pelayo 32,
18016 Granada. España



Home  /  Sin categoría   /  We developed a virtual reality software for improving the quality of life in stroke patients

The scientific team integrated by the University of Granada (PI: Francisco J. Amaro-Gahete), the University of Almeria, the San Cecilio Clinical University Hospital and the Torrecárdenas University Hospital hypothesize that the RESET VR software, in combination with the usual care, will reduce disability and improve the quality of life of those who have suffered a stroke. The solution will constitute a comprehensive rehabilitation program and has the potential to be acquired and implemented by health systems at the national and international levels

Francisco J. Amaro Gahete and Jonatan Ruiz (PROFITH Research Group, University of Granada), together with researchers from the University of Almeria, the San Cecilio Clinical University Hospital and the Torrecárdenas University Hospital, participate in the development of RESET VR, a gamified virtual reality software that has been designed to improve the quality of life of patients who have suffered a stroke. This project is financed by European funds through the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. RESET VR will be tested in a multicenter randomized clinical trial starting in the second half of 2024.