Manuel Herrador-Colmenero

Manuel Herrador ColmereoManuel Herrador-Colmenero
Date of birth: 31-07-1988
FPU Research Fellow
PhD. student of the PROFITH research Group.
E-mail: --LOGIN--5a1d7774d621cd3f143f6ff301c483b2ugr[dot]es

Manuel Herrador-Colmenero, (Manu) egraduated from Physical Education Teacher at the University of Jaén (2006-2009) and the Faculty of Sport Sciences at the University of Granada, Spain (2009-2011). Master in Research and Teaching in Science of Physical Activity and Health at the University of Jaén (2010) and PhD. by the University of Granada (2017), thanks to a FPU research fellowship since 2013. Nowadays, he is lecturer in La Inmaculada Teaching Training Center (University of Granada), since 2018.

  • His main research interests are:
    • Development of tool for assessing and educational interventions on active commuting to school.
    • Development of web and mobile applications to intervene on active commuting to school behaviuor.
    • To study determinant factors and effects of the active commuting among different populations (children, adolescent and fibromyalgia patients).
    • Education on cycling for commute purpose in cities.

Publicaciones más importantes

  • 1. Herrador-Colmenero M, Pérez-García M, Ruiz JR, Chillón P. Assessing modes and frequency of commuting to school in youngsters: a systematic review. Pediatric Exercise Science. 2014; 26: 291-341.
  • 2. Herrador-Colmenero M, Ruiz JR, Ortega FB, Segura-Jiménez V, Alvarez-Gallardo I, Camiletti-Moirón D, Estévez-López F, Delgado-Fernández M, Chillón P. Reliability of the ALPHA environmental questionnaire applied to physical activity in female fibromyalgia patients: the al-Andalus study. Journal of Sport Science. 2015; 33(8) 850-862.
  • 3. Herrador-Colmenero M, Álvarez-Gallardo IC, Segura-Jiménez V, Estévez-López F, Soriano-Maldonado A, Ruiz-Montero PJ, Tercedor P, Girela-Rejón MJ, Delgado-Fernández M, Chillón P. Associations between patterns of active commuting and socioeconomic factors in women with fibromyalgia: the al-Ándalus project. Clinical Experimental Rheumatology. In press.