Ignacio Merino de Aro

nacho-merino (1)Ignacio Merino de Aro
Date of birth: 23-06-1986
Doctor Specialist in Family and Community Medicine
E-mail: --LOGIN--247c62d164e870a91247a0d5f3c96b39hotmail[dot]com
Phone: 0034 657412252
  • Collaborator of the PROFITH research Group and Collaborator Research Unit of Physical Activity and Health Promotion in the Research Institute of Sport and Health (iMUDS)
  • Medical Andalusian Health System
    Address: C / Huertas Carmenes Urb Valle Real Nº7.. Barrio de Monachil. 18193 (Granada, Spain)

Ignacio Merino de Aro (Nacho) study Medicine at the University of Granada (2004-2010), then making the Specialization in Family and Community Medicine (2011-2015) at the University Hospital Virgen de las Nieves (Granada), continuing their training by an expert in the ER (2015). Incorporated in the PhD Program in Nutrition and Food Science (2013) from the University of Granada.

  • His main areas of interest are:
    • Health Prevention through education.
    • Health education in Sport.
    • Evaluation of physical fitness in young people
    • Evaluation of physical activity using an accelerometry.
    • Study of the effects of exercise on different dimensions of physical, mental health, cognition and brain in young people.