Cristina Cadenas Sanchez

cristina-cadenas-sanchez-2Cristina Cadenas-Sánchez
Date of birth: 30-05-1989
FPI Research Fellow
PhD student of the PROFITH research Group.
E-mail: --LOGIN--5afa176fb583091d911ed2d7726c9d16ugr[dot]es
Phone: 0034 958244353

Cristina Cadenas-Sánchez studied Teaching of Physical Education (2007-2010) and Sport Sciences (2010-2012) at the University of Granada. In 2013, she did the Master degree in research of Physical activity and Sport, starting at this point her research stage. From 2015 to date, Cristina is FPI Research Fellow at the Faculty of Sport Sciences at the University of Granada. Currently, she works in two projects: ActiveBrains (Effects of an exercise-based randomized controlled trial on brain, cognition, physical health and mental health in overweight/obese preadolescent children) and PREFIT (Assessing FITness in PREschoolers).

  • Her main research interests are::
    • Assessment of physical fitness in young people
    • Objective assessment of physical activity using accelerometry
    • Effects of exercise on physical and mental health outcomes, as well as on cognition and brain in young people.
    • Exercise-based interventions using mobile technology (SmartPhones), the so called m-Health approaches

Key publications

  • 1. Cadenas-Sanchez C, Nyström CD, Sanchez-Delgado G, Martinez-Tellez B, Mora-Gonzalez J, Risinger AS, Ruiz JR, Ortega FB, Löf M. Prevalence of overweight/obesity and fitness level in preschool children from the north compared with the south of Europe – an exploration with two countries. Pediatr Obes. 2015 Nov 9.
  • 2. Cadenas-Sanchez C, Martínez-Téllez B, Sanchez-Delgado G, Mora-Gonzalez J, Castro-Piñero J, Löf M, Ruiz JR, Ortega FB. Assessing physical fitness in preschool children: Feasibility, reliability and practical recommendations for the PREFIT battery. J Sci Med Sport. 2016 In press.
  • 3. Cadenas-Sanchez C, Mora-Gonzalez J, Migueles JH, Martin-Matillas M, … Ortega FB. An exercise-based randomized controlled trial on brain, cognition, physical health and mental health in overweight/obese children (ActiveBrains Project): Rationale, design and methods. Contemp Clin Trials. 2016 Feb 23.
  • 4. Cadenas-Sanchez C, Artero EG, Concha F, Leyton B, Kain J. Anthropometric characteristics and physical fitness level in relation to body weight status in Chilean preschool children. Nutr Hosp. 2015 Jul 1, 32(1): 346-53.
  • 5. Cadenas-Sanchez C, Alcántara-Moral F, Sánchez-Delgado G, Mora-Gonzalez J, Martinez-Tellez B, Herrador-Colmenero M, Jimenez-Pavón D, Femia P, Ruiz JR, Ortega FB. Assessment of cardiorespiratory fitness in preschool children: adaptation of the 20 metres shuttle run test. Nutr Hosp. 2014 Dec 1, 30(6): 1333-43.
