Carlos Rodríguez López

carlos_rdguez-lopez_2013Carlos Rodríguez-López
Date of birth: 05-06-1986
PhD Student
Researcher at the PROFITH research Group
E-mail: --LOGIN--369c7f47f65d2e10dc542f494a92b6d7ugr[dot]es

Carlos Rodríguez-López graduated from the Faculty of Sport Sciences at the University of Granada, Spain (2004-2009). In 2010, he graduated in Teaching Education Degree. He worked as a teacher from Primary schools since 2011, and is currently a P.E. teacher from Secondary schools.

Since 2011, Carlos is an active researcher and collaborator of the group, being specialist in the research on active travel, and developing his research plan within the PhD Biomedicine Program of the University of Granada.

  • His main research interests are:
    • Active commuting to school in youths (children and adolescents).
    • Study of travel patterns to school in young people.
    • Study of the effects of the weather on different factors of active commuting to school in young people.

Key publications

  • 1. Rodriguez-Lopez, C., E. Villa-Gonzalez, I. J. Perez-Lopez, M. Delgado-Fernandez, J. R. Ruiz, and P. Chillon. 2013. Family Factors Influence Active Commuting to School in Spanish Children. Nutrición Hospitalaria 28(3):756-63.