Borja Martinez Tellez

Borja Martinez-TellezBorja Martínez-Téllez
Date of birth: 21/03/1991
PhD. Student (Project Contract)
Nowadays, he is developing his doctoral thesis with the ACTIBATE project.
E-mail: --LOGIN--177adcd8a11ddab4314c369f365dfeecgmail[dot]com
Phone: 0034 958242754

Borja has a project contract since February of 2015. He is degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, Master in Secondary Education (area: Physical Education) and Master Researching in Physical Activity and Sport.

  • His main research interests goes:
    • from the assessment of physical fitness in whatever kind of population
    • to the study of human brown adipose tissue.

Key publications

  • 1. Martinez-Tellez, B., Sanchez-Delgado, G., Cadenas-Sanchez, C., Mora-Gonzalez, J., Martín-Matillas, M., Löf, M., … Ruiz, J. R. (2015). Health-related physical fitness is associated with total and central body fat in preschool children aged 3 to 5 years. Pediatric Obesity, (4), 1–7.
  • 2. Ruiz, J. R., Martinez-Tellez, B., Sanchez-Delgado, G., Aguilera, C. M., & Gil, a. (2015). Regulation of energy balance by brown adipose tissue: at least three potential roles for physical activity. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 0(0), 2014–2016.