Notice board

Kick-off of the “STARS” project


El proyecto europeo STARS “Sustainable Travel Accreditation and Recognition for School” se pone en marcha para incentivar el uso del transporte activo en cuatro institutos de la ciudad de Granada.

During the academic year 2017-2018, the secondary schools IES Aricel (Albolote), IES1 Clara Campoamor (Peligros), IES Blas Infante (Ogíjares), and IES Trevenque (La Zubia) will participate in this project. The aim is to increase the number of students who commute by bike and walk from their homes to school.

The first weeks will be dedicated to recruit the young mobility ambassadors from the academic level 3rd ESO (14-15 th years old). They will become the true protagonists of the project and will be in charge of designing and carrying out the activities. The purpose is to encourage their colleagues to use healthier transport methods. To achieve greater efficiency, the ambassadors will always be tutored by a team “Stars Advisors” and “Champion Teachers”.

More information:



Diputación de Granada
Universidad de Granada
Dirección General de Tráfico
Ayuntamiento de los municipios