Patricia Galvez-Fernández

patriciaPatricia Gálvez-Fernández
Date of birth: 29-04-1994
PhD. student of the PROFITH research Group. (FPU Research Fellow )
E-mail: --LOGIN--28af32280435c6c58cf0b279c99ce7a5ugr[dot]es
Telf: pendiente

Patricia Gálvez-Fernández graduated from the Faculty of Sport Sciences at the University of Granada, Spain (2012-2016). Master’s degree in Teaching Education and in Research in Physical Activity and Sports at the University of Granada (2016-2018). Nowadays, she is PhD. student in the Biomedicine program of the University of Granada, with a FPU research fellowship since 2018.

  • • His main research interests are::
    • Development of tool for assessing and educational interventions on active commuting to school.
    • Development of accelerometers and gps to intervene on active commuting to school.
    • To study determinant factors and effects of the active commuting among different populations (children and adolescents)
    • Education on cycling for commute purpose in cities.

Importants publications

  • 1. Gálvez-Fernández P, Chillón P, Herrador-Colmenero M. Al cole sobre ruedas: un proyecto de innovación docente. Revista Habilidad Motriz, 2018. 50: 33-42. Premio de Innovación Docente (COLEF Andalucía).